An organization should be regarded as a living entity, one that constantly grows and evolves to stay healthy and continue to thrive. When busied with high-priority tasks, it can be easy for organizational leaders to place a workflow analysis on the back burner, and understandably so. If things are working, they’re working, right? However, the age-old tenet, “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it”, can greatly inhibit your competitive edge in the bustling East Coast business environment. Read More
December 29, 2016
Mismanaged Printing Risks
At Centric Business Systems, we help companies and organizations streamline their printing practices with customized office technology solutions. The benefits of in-house document management are numerous; yet when it isn’t intentionally managed, document quality quickly becomes an afterthought in today’s fast-paced and bustling business environment. A lack of prioritization can lead to inconsistent products, ineffective branding, and loss of revenue. Read More
The three principles of responsiveness, communication and ownership have earned Centric Business Systems its sixteenth honor as an Elite Dealer. The industry award, offered by ENX Magazine & The Week in Imaging, is presented annually to the leading office technology, supply and servicing dealers in the United States. Read More
If you’re a small business owner, you’re likely running on slim margins. For small companies, every penny counts and productivity is key to ensuring that you can make ends meet every month. Although large businesses are increasingly moving toward cloud-computing and digitized workflows, many small businesses remain trapped under an avalanche of paperwork. Read More
Between client records, confidentiality agreements, discovery notes, and business documents, your law firm is likely awash in paperwork. If you’ve been looking for ways to make your office more streamlined, organized, and cost-effective, moving to a paperless environment will provide many benefits. While many organizations are hesitant to implement a... Read More
Every piece of equipment will require repairs and maintenance at one point or another. No matter what brand or type of device you purchase, eventually you’ll experience downtime while your equipment is fixed. While downtime is a given in any office environment, there are steps that you can take to maximize your uptime and ensure that your equipment functions effectively as often as possible. Here are three steps that your organization can take in order to maximize your office equipment uptime. Read More
Over the past 2 weeks, we’ve been discussing the features that you should look for when choosing a document management system that will help your healthcare facility stay in compliance with HIPAA regulations. We talked about the required physical safeguards your system must have in place as well as the access control measures that must be included. In today’s blog, learn more about the third and final component in HIPAA-compliant document management systems: administrative safeguards. Read More